It was a real privilege to support runners during the race.
However, during Ultra Scotland 100 mile unfortunately it was deemed necessary to cancel the event (during the mid-latter stages of the race) due to winds reaching 60mph and a windchill of approx -7c.
The decision was taken on advice of Mountain Rescue, discussions with our Event Team across the route, our experienced team of Event Medics and based on the mandatory kit ‘standard’ we set prior to the race.

I can only apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused. It’s the first time we have deemed race cancellation ‘during the race’ neccessary. As such the following updates are available for participants:
1. Entry to any of the GB Ultras 100 mile, 100km or 50 mile events for 2022/2023 (subject to available places in the event). Please email the team at events@gbultras.com and we’ll send over entry confirmation for the 2022 or 2023 event of your choice. More details can be found online at www.GBUltras.com
2. We are also currently checking with UTMB, ITRA, DUV regarding adjusted results and whether these can be used in some form. We are hopeful they will be though this cannot be guaranteed. We expect adjustments to any points awarded given the 100 mile race cancellation. We should have all of our answers over the next 7-14 days and will inform runners via email as soon as each party has confirmed with ourselves.
Please email info@gbultras.com should you have any questions regarding the above (should they not already be answered).
Great many thanks for your patience and understanding and well done during the race once again, it was a privilege for myself and the team to support you.
Wayne Drinkwater
Race Director