Thank you for taking on the challenge of the 2021 Liverbird New Year’s Double. Welcome to the race.
Following on from our race update – https://www.gbultras.com/liverbird-new-year-2021-race-update/
During the Race on ‘New Years Eve’ Friday 31st December 2021 and ‘New Years Day’ Saturday 1st January 2022, we will be actively updating the Facebook Liverbird New Years Double page and the GB Ultras Community group. Please feel free to join in before, during and after the race with the hashtag #GBUltras …
GB Ultras Presents: Liverbird New Years Double – 10km – Half-Marathon – Marathon 2021/2022.
Route Overview: The marathon course follows the River Mersey for 3 miles before returning to the start point and repeating the lap a further 3 times (4 in total) to complete the route. Half marathon runners need to complete the route 2 times and 10k runners once. A great introduction into back to back long distance running suitable for all runners including ultrarunners. UKA/Trail Running Association permit 4327 and 4328.
The route is the same route along the promenade as it has been for the past 11 years but starts at Merseyside Police Social Club at the opposite end of the route. Runners will leave the venue and follow the promenade to Brunswick Business Park where there will be marshals in place to ensure runners turn.
Red ‘bio-degradeable’ tape and laminated arrow signs will be used as race markers during the event.

GB Ultras feel that we can help to mitigate and avoid potential mass gatherings by changing the start time of the Half-Marathon and 10km (30 minutes added) to give more time to the event team to get marathon runners underway should there be a need for a staggered start. This in turn means there will be less time waiting to collect your bib number if entered in the 10km or half-marathon. Apologies for any incovenience caused. Please remember to print off your disclaimer, fill it in and bring it with you to registration. Cut off times are not affected and your individual cut off time will start when you cross the start line.
Cut off times for the events are as follows: Marathon – 6 hours, Half-marathon – 3 hours 30 minutes, 10k – 2 hours
Marathon – 8:30am
Half Marathon – 9:30am (changed from 9:00am)
10KM – 10:00am (changed from 9.30am)
Marathon – 8:30am
Half Marathon – 9:30am (changed from 9.00am)
10KM – 10:00am (changed from 9.30am)
Pre-Race & Race Start
Please watch the COVID-19 Virtual Race Brief at https://www.gbultras.com/covid-brief/.
Please do NOT attend the event if you or anyone within your household has any of the following COVID-19 symptoms:
1. A high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
2. A new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
3. A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.
Runners should arrive at the event ‘ready to race’ and wear their FACE MASK at all times during Race Registration (BIB Collection). There will also be hand-sanitation points available. The event MAY have a staggered start. Upon arrival, runners should follow the necessary signs through the one-way system, collect their bib number, have a quick photograph with the Event Photographer at the Start line and begin their race immediately.
All bib numbers with timing chips attached will be collected at race registration.
In circumstances where a mass start is not permitted, we’ll space out/social distance participants at the start line area, 3 or 4 runners in a row for a staggered start. Chip timing starts as soon as the participant crosses the start line for a rolling start. This is to prevent large group gatherings at the start.
On approach to Registration, participants are reminded by specific signage of the ‘Hands, Face & Space’ policy, joining a one-way system. Runners are then asked to sanitise their hands, on entry/exit, and wear their face mask and ensure that there is a 2 metre gap between themselves and others. Marshals will be located at set points to help ensure this.
Turn around point
If you do stop at the turnaround point/checkpoint please make sure you give other runners room, wear your mask if you deem it necessary and await the GB Ultras team to top up your water/juice/cola. This ensures that only the event team is touching the jugs/taps. On approaching an indoor venue you MUST wear a mask and you MUST sanitise your hands and leave space between other runners and the event team. We expect restrictions on indoor venues to state that a maximum of 6 participants are permitted inside any indoor venue at any one time.
Please be aware volunteers will not be able to assist with kit changes or electrolyte top ups. All Checkpoint volunteers will be wearing PPE (minimum of a mask). Please ensure that you bring suitable and adequate provisions for the event, particularly if you have any special dietary requirements.
Returning to the Start Venue to then turn for your next lap.
Please keep to the directed route and avoid crossing the finish line/start line area until you have completed your final lap.
The event is chip timed, there will also be a member of the event team to manually record your finish time particularly in case of a staggered start being implemented. Upon crossing the finish line, please sanitise your hands and give space to other runners and members of the event team. Medals will be handed out at the finish line but there maybe a delay on issuing results should a staggered start be implemented as there could be upto approx 30 minute staggered start implemented.
NEW YEARS EVE – FRIDAY 31ST DECEMBER – 7.30am – 9.45am
Where, Parking, Registration, Race Start and Facilities
Registration will be at the Race HQ at Merseyside Police Social Club/Riversdale, The Pavilion, Riversdale Road, Liverpool, L19 3QN. There is limited parking (approx 100 vehicles) at the venue, please respect decisions of the Car Park Stewards who will be helping people park within the grounds. Further parking is available in the area. Please do not block access to driveways.
Additional Parking – If you continue past the venue entrance there is a large additional car park available approx 50 yards away. Street parking is also available in the leadup to the venue on Riversdale Road.
• DISCLAIMER > Available on https://www.gbultras.com/covid-brief/ please print this out, fill it in and bring it with you to registration.
• PLEASE ARRIVE 30-45 MINUTES BEFORE YOUR ALLOCATED RACE START TIME, bring your bottles full, with your completed waiver for Bib number collection and ensuring that you are ready to go!
• Race Start prompt at the COVID-19 start times.
• COVID Secure Race brief is available online virtually at https://www.gbultras.com/covid-brief/
• Toilets will be provided in Merseyside Police Social Club. Tea and coffee will be available to be purchased at the start/finish venue.
• Start line area – Participants are welcome to leave a small bag/box at the turnaround point at the start/finish venue so you have personal items at hand. Please note: Do not leave valuables. GB Ultras takes no responsibility for items damaged, lost or stolen.
• Due to the spread of the COVID-19 variant, it is highly unlikely that the venue changing rooms will be available.
• If parking on Riversdale Road please use one side of the road
• As mentioned on the last update, there are no trackers available at the event. Due to the race being an out and back event over a series of laps, the tracking is not effective.
• The Race finishes at Merseyside Police Social Club. Every Runner MUST register.
To reduce the amount of plastic waste at the events GB Ultras are CUPLESS EVENTS!
Please ensure to bring your own cup to use on the go through the Checkpoints or top up your bottles before leaving the CP. Alternatively, a lightweight GB Ultras Speed Cup (now limited availability) or the Eco Cup can be purchased via our Online Shop and will be waiting for you to collect at the race. Please head to www.GBUltras.com/shop for more details.
• Facemask
• Long sleeved base layer
• Waterproof Coat
• Foil Blanket
Please Note: additional MANDATORY items of kit may be added based on expected weather conditions. If necessary, we will advise you by social media in the days leading up to the event what additional items may be required.
Route: The route leaves Merseyside Police Social Club venue turning left out of the entrance and continues towards the Sitting Bull. As you pass the Bull you will reach the promenade walkway. Please turn right (marshal in position) and continue for 3 miles to Brunswick Business Park (previous start location) where you will turn and make your way back to the venue to complete the first lap of the route.
Spectators are permitted at the event at this time. This may well change depending on new restrictions imposed by the UK Government to minimise the spread of COVID-19.
If you need to drop out of the race for whatever reason you MUST return to the Finish Line Race HQ at Merseyside Police Social Club. Please inform a GB Ultras Race Marshal at one of the checkpoints or Race HQ on 07701349501 (Race Director – Wayne). Please do not assume sending a text will suffice. Please store this number in your phone.
This will ensure all participants who are registered and pull out of the race are accounted for, allowing for the accurate and safe running of the event. If a participant withdraws they must do so at a checkpoint. At a checkpoint they must hand over their ‘Race number’ to race staff to signal their retirement.
Marshals will inform the race organiser and the turnaround checkpoint can also update their lists.
Although ultimately decisions to continue are in the hands of the runner, GB Ultras reserve the right to pull any participant out of the race on health grounds. This decision is final.
• Please note that cut-offs will be enforced. To avoid being disqualified, you must arrive at the checkpoint before the cut-off.
• If we believe the safety of participants or members of the public is being compromised in any way, we reserve the right to stop you from competing in this event at any time.
Members of our first aid team will be on hand throughout the event. As always, if you see a runner experiencing difficulties please inform Checkpoint Marshals. Our team will always endeavour to reach any participant in difficulty but this can take time approx 5 – 20 minutes.
Participants who lose time helping another fallen participant, struggling against the cut off time due to this reason, can claim this time back, subject to RD discretion, availability of event staff and venue timings, and under the proviso of completing within their new, extended cut off period.
If minor injury, seek advice from the Event team at a Checkpoint or by calling Race HQ.
Only in an Emergency (a threat to life, limb or immobilised)
1. Use foil/thermal blanket and use spare clothing
2. Phone 999, ask for Ambulance
3. When possible call Race Director/Race HQ on 07701349501 (Wayne). Leaving a message may NOT be sufficient.
4. Attract attention from fellow runners and those nearby by calling for help.
If you are not well, or need assistance, please make this known to the marshals at one of the checkpoints. Checkpoint staff will duly inform Race HQ. If you or another runner feel unwell or require assistance between checkpoints, call Race HQ.
In the event of a ‘Medical Emergency’, you should dial 999 first (a threat to life, limb or immobilised), and then contact Race HQ on the numbers above. We will inform our Medical team in an emergency.
Your Race Number must be visible at all times and ATTACHED TO YOUR FRONT – do not fold it or obscure it. Safety pins will be provided at registration.
Should family or friends be following your progress throughout the day and wish to join the GB Ultras team at Checkpoints it will certainly be appreciated and gratefully received, please fill out the Volunteer form with the times they’re available to support. https://www.GBUltras.com/volunteer/
1. COVID-19: Coming into contact with virus droplets (air-bourn, surface contact or personal physical contact) from a participant or Event Team member who has symptoms or who is infected with the virus.
2. Renal Shutdown: Due to myoglobin, a protein material, transferring into the blood plasma. Myoglobin is cleared from the blood stream by the kidneys and will look brownish-colored in the urine. Adequate hydration will help flush myoglobin through the kidneys. Overwhelming amounts of myoglobin may clog the filtering system of the kidneys either partially or totally. If not treated, renal shutdown can cause permanent damage to the kidney function.
3. Effects of Cold/Hypothermia: With wet conditions and/or moderate to high winds, coupled with hours of running, particularly when a runner is tired/injured, Hypothermia can be a RISK. Initial warning signs include disorientation, confusion and extreme tiredness. Staying well prepared for conditions, i.e. suitable clothing, along with being well-nourished and adequately hydrated, will help avoid hypothermia. Carry Emergency Supplies on the day, look at the forecast and carry additional clothing if necessary, along with the mandatory kit for the event.
4. Risks Associated with Low Sodium and Chloride Counts: Low sodium levels (hyponatremia) have been associated with Serious Illness. Replacing the water and SALTS lost during running is vital. WATER INTAKE ALONE IS NOT SUFFICIENT. This problem may in fact worsen after the race, as the non-electrolyte-containing fluid which has been accumulating in the stomach is absorbed.
Signs and symptoms of hyponatremia include; weight gain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, headache, confusion, lack of coordination, dizziness, muscle twitching/cramping and fatigue. If left untreated, it may progress to seizures, pulmonary and cerebral edema, coma and death.
Risks of hyponatremia include weight gain and low sweat rate, and can be minimised by eating salted foods a few days prior to the race, matching fluid and electrolyte intake to sweat losses.
5. Use of Drugs: No drugs of any kind should be taken unless prescribed by the Doctor (please be aware of possible side effects, i.e. thinning of the blood, etc).
6. Injuries: Careful with your footing, some sections of the route are over cobbles, loose pathing or slippery terrain. Overuse injuries/wear and tear, along with sprain’s and strains, etc, are a risk.
7. Common Fatigue: Leading to confusion. Support is evenly spread so help is close at hand.
We would strongly advise participants to make transport arrangements prior to Race Day and ask runners to rest prior to making any long journey due to exhaustion and the increased risk of an incident.
Local taxi companies are LCR Taxis on 0151 345 6050, and Liverpool Cabs on 0151 665 0107.
The most local train station is Aigburth Train Station, L17 6AQ. https://www.merseyrail.org/plan-your-journey/stations/aigburth.aspx with regular trains all over the UK.
There are a number of hotels and also a number of Bed & Breakfasts in the area. Book early to avoid disappointment. https://www.booking.com/ is helpful.
Should there be any additional questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch either by EMAIL info@GBUltras.com or via the online social media forums. We’ll be back online on the 27th December 2021.
A further race update maybe emailed to participants at short notice prior to the event should the race be subject to UK Government restrictions to minimise the spread of the COVID-19 variant.
Once again, huge thanks for taking on the race and for the ongoing support, and please extend thanks to the volunteers who make the event possible. We look forward to seeing you on the start line of the 2021/2022 Liverbird New Years 10km – Half-Marathon – Marathon on New Years Eve & New Years Day.